Sunday, September 4, 2016

My beautiful yellow uplifts my soul, feeds my heart and makes me glow. Death stole away with pieces of my heart attempting to darken my yellow to black. My resistance was futile as I slipped and fell within my cracked heart,  gouging my faith upon me chipped and jagged soul.
The brilliance, the joy, the happiness contained within the pigments of yellow ushered me home again. Yellow lit up the darkness I cradled within like a still born baby and pulled me back toward life - toward Love. Thank you Yellow. Thank you to the symbolic color of the sun's warmth. Thank you to the pigments of Happiness. 

Above is a self portrait. I am Yellow. I am Vines defining and creating Me -The who I AM in this present moment while faith waters and nourishes my spirit. This portrait of my soul represents growth from death - my journey back to my inner life so that I could interact with my outer life with joy.

Squeezing tubes of paint is my therapy as is burning gourds with burning tools - engraving with charcoal symbols of how I perceive. Yellow oozes forth from the tubes on demand bringing me in touch with my creative process - giving me a purpose, giving me hope.

Spring is the season of renewal, of birth, of life exploding from darkness. I dance with joy as I am surrounded by the color of yellow expressed with velvet soft petals surrounding the seeds of life's promises. How can I not smile? 

Yellow makes all hearts happy. My mother, in the picture above horned like Loki laughed with joy. Yellow horns of happiness will forever be burned into my hearts memory. Here, Yellow crowned the maker of my heart and soul and for every beat of my heart I am forever grateful for my mother and her joy filled spirit. 

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